Wedding season...or not?
So as I sit, not long home from delivering another couple of simply stunning wedding cakes, I wonder, although this may be the end of wedding 'season', as the last weekend of September seems to dictate, are weddings truly seasonal anymore?
Of course the majority of weddings do occur in the summer months, when couples hope and pray that the weather Gods will be on their side and give them glorious sunshine! But more and more we are finding there are Spring weddings, Winter weddings and Autumn weddings, taking advantage of the changing seasons of the beautiful Isle of Man.
As we move into Autumn I wonder why more couples don't take advantage of the stunning colours of the countryside, the 'quiet' period where most venues have availability, and everyone is looking for something to look forward to that isn't to do with the big 'C' in December! And then I remind myself of the changeable weather conditions, but we always have those so why is Autumn any different?!

So to inspire more wannabe Autumn brides and to get your creative juices flowing, a few of the most amazing creative ladies formed a collaboration for an Autumnal farm wedding shoot. I can't wait to bring to you the incredible showcase of our work, but for now you can have a sneak peek of just some of the delectable delights I created for our Autumn palate...cinder toffee, sticky ginger cake, golden chocolate brownies accompanied by my beautiful place card from the talented Emma at Oh My Pen & Press.
Aimee xxx